sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Shakespeare.jpgShakespeare was born on April the 26th in 1564 and died on April the 23th in 1616. He was an English playwright, poet and actor, considered the most important writer of the English language and the most popular in world literature.

Act 1
This story happens in Scotland, it begins with the war between the king of Scotland, Duncan and the king of Norway. The play opens with Duncan who learns of Macbeth’s bravery during a battle against Macdonald. At the same time, some news arrives announcing the arrest of the traitorous Thane of Cawdor, announcement that gave this new title to Macbeth.
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Returning from the battle, Macbeth and Banquo meet three witches, they tell that Macbeth will be the Thane of Cawdor and king of Scotland as well, and Banquo the father of the kings. After the witches were gone, Macbeth and Banquo meet two noblemen, Ross and Angus who announce to Macbeth his new title as Thane of Cawdor and after this announcement Macbeth just thinks one thing: Duncan’s murder.  
Duncan announces to Macbeth that he will be paid for his visit at the castle. Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth saying all about the witches’ prediction and how the first one was already done. Pleased by the news, she decides to invoke several powers in order to get stronger and help murdering King Duncan. When Macbeth arrives, she tells him her plans against the king.
Duncan arrives at the castle but only Lady Macbeth greets him, she looks for Macbeth who is alone in a room regretting and thinking about Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth tells him that he just gets to be a man, killing the king and then she talks to him about her plan to murder Duncan, Macbeth agrees: They would kill him after his bodyguards get drunk so that they could incriminate on bodyguards.
Act 2
Macbeth sees a vision in which a bloody dagger is leading to Duncan’s room, afterword, he listens to the bell announcing that Lady Macbeth’s part is done so that he can continue with the murderous plan. Lady Macbeth waits for Macbeth, he arrives still with the dagger, Lady insults him telling him that he is too weak and then she puts the dagger on the bodyguards. Macbeth is concerned, he thinks he shall sleep no more. Lady goes back and tells him than drinking some water they shall forget all what happened. The thanes Macduff and Lennox arrive, the first thane discovers Duncan’ dead body, Macbeth had murdered the two bodyguards too. Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain are afraid to be in danger too, therefore, they decide to move to England and Ireland. Both become suspects to have killed their father, reason why Macbeth is crowned king of Scotland.
 Act 3
In order to thwart the witches prophecy that Banquo would be the fathers of the kings, Macbeth hires two murderers to kill as Banquo as his son Fleance. Lady Macbeth does not know about these plans. A third man emerges to kill Banquo, meanwhile Fleance can escape. During a banquet, Banquo’s ghost appears to Macbeth what makes Macbeth really scared. All the thanes in the banquet begin wondering about Macbeth’s behavior which Lady Macbeth is trying to disguise. After this appearance, Macbeth decides to go with the witches to talk about his future again. Meanwhile, Macbeth’s thanes begin doubting him, reason why Malcolm and Macduff meet in England to organize an army to march on Scotland.

Act 4
The witches show to Macbeth three new apparitions, the first one warns him against Macduff, the second one tell him not to be afraid of anybody and the third one that he just fall when Birnam Wood comes to Dusinane Castle. Macbeth is not afraid and asks to the witches for the Banquo’ prophecy and the witches show him of eight kings looking like Banquo. With several proves, Malcolm proves Macduff’s loyalty, once he proved Macduff’s loyalty for Scotland, both decide to organize their plan against Macbeth, when Macbeth arrives to Scotland, he has Macduff’ wife and children dead.
Act 5
Lady Macbeth presents problems to sleep, in the doctor, she tells unwittingly him all about the murder. The doctor cannot find a cure for her problem and Macbeth gets too upset for this. The cry because of the Lady Macbeth’s death is heard in the whole castle; Macduff, Malcolm and Siward’s army approached when this occurred. Macbeth cannot understand his lady’s death; it was supposed to happen in the future.
Macbeth strongly believes yet in the second prophecy that he is impregnable. However, all men from Malcolm army were told to cut a branch to look disguise the army’s total number.  Macbeth’s servant informs him about the enormous army, Macbeth seems to be worried but he continues fighting against the army coming towards his castle.

In battle, Macbeth killed Young Siward, afterword, Macduff challenges Macbeth telling him that he is not exactly of woman born, he was extracted from his mother’s womb. Macbeth is prettified but he is not afraid of Macduff. Finally Macduff kills Macbeth and decapitates him as well. At the end Malcolm is crown the new king of Scotland.

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